Accurate Measurements for Successful DIY Projects
Almost All Projects Start with Taking Measurements
Nothing is more frustrating than cutting workpieces and then realising they don't fit due to mistakes when taking measurements in the beginning – nobody likes to waste time and material!
Here we introduce practical tools for making sure nothing goes wrong with your measurements. We have already eliminated the most common potential mistakes and trip-ups through the product design.
Universal Angle & Try Square – Your Trusted Companion for All Projects
Buying a universal angle & try square for measuring, marking, drawing and guided cutting is always a worthwhile investment. It is the ideal measuring tool for the customary DIY and hobby tasks in small to medium-sized projects. As the name suggests, the universal angle & try square unites many functions in a single tool. It lets you determine and transfer distances and angular measurements with ease.

Being guided by the sturdy limit stop and hole line means you can effortlessly draw parallel lines with a pencil. You can quickly dismantle the limit stop on the angle rail so you can mark or measure surfaces precisely.
For transferring curves and circles to workpieces, you simply use the universal angle & try square as a compass. The two fixed radii on the angle measuring scale allow you to quickly transfer curves, e.g. for rounded corners on boards. The angle acts as a stable leading edge when using a jigsaw. It will also quickly become indispensable for laying laminate or making furniture.
Measuring Three-Dimensional Workpieces
When you work on three-dimensional workpieces and have to take or transfer measurements of pipes, beams or squared timber, accurate transfer around the corners is the biggest challenge.

With limit stops at 45° and 90° angles and a scale for free angles between 0–90°, you will be prepared for anything.
The 3D mitre angle provides you with a reliable marking gauge when marking parallel lines. It is also equipped with a drill gauge to quickly determine the diameter of a drill bit.
Measuring Angles and Room Corners
If you have ever installed baseboard in a pre-war building, you know how nerve-racking and time-consuming it can be to determine the right mitre angle for each crooked corner.
Transferring inside or outside wall corners to the saw with the matching mitres is often cumbersome and prone to errors. The bevel gauge and mitre box guarantees perfect results for even inexperienced DIYers – effortlessly in just two steps.

Scanning and Transferring Contours
Scanning contours
The contour gauge makes it easy to scan corners and contours and transfer them onto the relevant material.
It is ideal especially for accurately fitting laminate and tiles, e.g. around heating pipes and other obstacles.

Transfering contours
Subsequently, you can transfer the profile onto another component. Measurement errors and inaccuracies are a thing of the past.